Board Of Commissioners
Information on the structure of the company's board of commissioners which includes a brief profile, work experience, and educational background of each board of commissioners. The following is the composition of the Board of Commissioners of PT Satria Antaran Prima Tbk :

Nency Christanti
President Commissioner
Indonesian citizen. She has served as the President Commissioner of the Company since 2018. Previously served as Sales Manager at PT BTMU BRI Finance (2000-2012) and Corporate Secretary Division Staff at PT Masaro Radiokom (1999-2000). She holds a Master degree in Marketing from Trisakti University, Indonesia in 2008 and a Bachelor degree in Accounting from Trisakti University, Indonesia in 1998.
Gilarsi W. Setijono
Independent Commissioner
Indonesian citizen. Served as Independent Commissioner of the Company since 2021. Currently serves as Co-Founder of Technology Start Up in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Transport & IOT (2020-present). Previously served as CEO at PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) (2015-2020), CEO at Adyawinsa Automotive (2012-2015), Chairman at Shafco* Group of Companies (Shafira Corporations) (2012-2015), CEO at Shafira Group of Companies, Indonesia (2008-2012), Managing Director at Psi Technologies Inc. in Manila, Philippines (2006-2008). President Director of PT Bakrie Steel Industries Tbk (VKTR) (2022-present) Earned a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1987.

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