Information & company performance reports as a form of information disclosure, corporate responsibility, and to maintain relationships with investors.
The financial statements of PT Satria Antaran Prima Tbk includes financial condition, income statement, and cash flow statement of the company.
Annual report of PT Satria Antaran Prima Tbk contains financial conditions, operational performance, plans, strategies, policies and their realization.
Disclosure of information on everything that happens within the company, such as company policies and issues related to the company.
History and company related publications in 1 year. Contains information on developments and events that occur within the company.
Contains information related to the General Meeting of Shareholders which includes notification, invitations, agenda of the GMS, and others.
Detailed information regarding investment offers to the public which contains investment objectives, strategies, investment risks, and others.
Information on the price of company shares listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange includes price per share, offering price, and others.
Information about news and important events of PT Satria Antaran Prima Tbk that must be known by the public.
The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. This website contains forward-looking statements.