Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Based on the Decree of the Board of Commissioners, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee task is to assist the Board of Commissioners, including but not limited to the following:
Provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners regarding:
- composition of Board of Directors members positions and/or Board of Commissioners members;
- policies and criteria needed in the Nomination process; and
- performance evaluation policy for Board of Directors members and/or Board of Commissioners members.
- Assist the Board of Commissioners in evaluating the performance of Board of Directors members and/or Board of Commissioners members based on benchmarks that have been prepared as evaluation material;
- Provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners regarding capacity building programs of Board of Directors members and/or Board of Commissioners members; and
- Propose candidates who fulfill the requirements as Board of Directors members and/or Board of Commissioners members to the Board of Commissioners to be submitted at the General Meeting of Shareholders ("GMS").
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Duties and Responsibilities
The following are the duties and responsibilities of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee:
- Arrange the composition and nomination process of the Board of Directors members and/or the Board of Commissioners members;
- Formulate policies and criteria needed in the nomination process for prospective Board of Directors members and/or Board of Commissioners members;
- Assist the implementation of evaluations on the performance of Board of Directors members and/or Board of Commissioners members;
- Develop capacity building programs for Board of Directors members and/or Board of Commissioners members; and
- Review and propose candidates who fulfill the requirements as Board of Directors members and/or Board of Commissioners members to the Board of Commissioners to be submitted to the GMS.
Composition of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Structurally, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee is directly responsible to the Board of Commissioners, members of the Company's Nomination and Remuneration Committee. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee was led by a chairman who during that period also served as an Independent Commissioner.
The following is the composition of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee members of PT Satria Antaran Prima Tbk

Gilarsi W. Setijono
Indonesian citizen. He has served as an Independent Commissioner of the Company since 2021. Currently he is the Co-Founder several technology initiatives especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Transport & IOT (2020-present). Previously served as CEO of PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) (2015-2020), CEO of Adyawinsa Automotive, Indonesia (2012-2015), Chairman of Shafco* Group of Companies (Shafira Corporations) (2012-2015), CEO of Shafira Group of Companies, Indonesia (2008-2012), Managing Director of PSi Technologies Inc. in Manila, Philippines (1999-2009). He holds a Bachelor degree of Chemical Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology, 1987.
Nency Christanti
Indonesian citizen. She has served as the President Commissioner of the Company since 2018. Previously she has served as Sales Manager at PT BTMU BRI Finance (2000-2012) and Corporate Secretary Division Staff at PT Masaro Radiokom (1999-2000). She holds a Master degree in Marketing from Trisakti University, Indonesia in 2008 and a Bachelor degree in Accounting from Trisakti University, Indonesia in 1998.

Peppy Fachrial
An Indonesian citizen, Peppy Fachrial has served as a Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee since 2024. He possesses over 23 years of professional experience in Corporate Governance, Human Resource & Organizational Management and Development, Transformation & Change Management, Asset Management, Territorial Security & HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) Management across industries including Mining, Manufacturing, Plantations, Energy, Education, Finance, Transportation, Logistics, Industrial and Residential Estate Management, in various Multinational, National, StateOwned Enterprises (BUMN), and Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD). Previously, he held positions such as Deputy Director PT. Transportasi Jakarta (Transjakarta), Director Of Corporate Human Capital ATT Group, Director of HR & Finance at PT Jasa dan Kepariwisataan Jawa Barat.
He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Geological Engineering at Trisakti University in 1995, a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management at Padjadjaran University in 1998, and a Doctorate in Management Science specializing in Human Resource Management at the State University of Jakarta in 2016. Additionally, he is an alumnus of the Professional Director Program (PDP) and Corporate Governance Leadership Program from the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD), and alumnus of the Regular Educational Program (PPRA) Batch LI from the National Resilience Institute (LEMHANNAS) RI in 2014.
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